• Foraging

    Ostrich Ferns: Fiddleheads

    Know what to look for… Fiddlehead ferns are all too quickly becoming “cliché” in the world of wild edibles and seasonal cookery; a very “been there, done that ” mentality developing with one of nature’s most whimsical edibles.  An ingredient (any really) that is used blindly (meaning without educating oneself and exploring the full potential, rather simply accepting what is handed to you). It is in that precise moment when the misunderstood develops into an uneducated idea. This inevitably transpires into a false representation of…

  • Foraging

    Exidia recisa (*Exidia crenata) : Amber Jelly Roll

    When getting into wild edibles, it’s all about submerging yourself in the woods throughout the seasons and remaining present, inquisitive and flipping every stone. It’s ridiculous to think that anything edible (let alone a a Fungi) just falls from the heavens and lands right in front of you, begging to be eaten… Or perhaps it’s not as ridiculous as you would think? The Ski Is Falling! …And it’s bringing a Fungi with it. In the late winter of 2018, (late April according to some chicken…